St. Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

Reference:        Luke 1:39-56

Golden Verse:

"My soul magnifies the Lord,  and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.  For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;  For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed."
Luke 1:46-48

Lesson Goals:

1.    Rejoice in the birth of Christ.

2.    Helping one another

3.    Holy meetings between friends

Lesson Notes:

1.    How did St. Mary react to the needs of her elder relative?

o    left all her affairs

o    with expedition, diligence and haste

o    traveled a long journey

o    with love and joy

2.    The Meeting:

o    The purpose of the meeting was to rejoice with Elizabeth.

o    Elizabeth spoke with joy and humility: "How can the mother of our Lord come to visit me?"

o    Elizabeth commends Mary's faith and tells her about the joy of her baby.

3.    St. Mary's song of praise:

o    an expression of joy and praise that is centered around God

o    with humility

o    with great love for Him as her savior

o    rejoicing for what the Lord did to her, choosing her for that honor

o    rejoicing for others, for the salvation of mankind


Memorize the Song of St. Mary


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