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St. Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

Read: Luke 1:39-56

Verse to memorize:

"My soul magnifies the Lord,  and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.  For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;  For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed."

Luke 1:46-48

1.  Verse # ____ shows that St. Mary is the mother of God.
           a) 42        b) 43        c) 44        d) 45

2.  When St. Mary visited Elizabeth and saluted her, St. John the Baptist worshipped our Lord Jesus in his mother's womb.  Which verse shows this? ____
            a) 41 & 44        b) 46 & 47        c) 48 & 49        d) 50 & 51

3.  For how long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? ____
            a) 3 days        b) 3 weeks        c) 3 months        d) 3 years

4.  Verse # _____ tells us that all generations will call St. Mary blessed.
            a) 46        b) 47        c) 48        d) 49        e) None

5.  When ______________ heard the greeting of Virgin Mary, _______________________ and she were both filled with the Holy _____________.

6.  _________________ had to travel a very long distance to visit Elizabeth, from ____________ to a city of __________. [hint: verse 26]

7.  During the Nativity Advent, how does our Church fulfill God's promise in praising Theotokos Mary?