first                            last                             .

The Miracle of the Church in Atreeb

Verse to Memorize:

For behold henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
Luke 1:48
1.  What was the name of the Caliph during which this miracle happened?
        a) Haroun Al-Rasheed
        b) Caliph Omar II
        c) Caliph Al-Amir
        d) Suleiman the Magnificent
        e) Caliph Abdalla

2.  How were the Christians persecuted?

3.  The ____________ of the Church in ____________ asked for ______ days to get the letter and gave _______ dinars to accommodate the __________ and those with him.  [priest, 300, Atreeb, king, 3]

4.  The letter from the Caliph was quickly send to Egypt by a(n)
        a) Plane        b) Ship        c) Horse        d) Angel        e) Bird

5.  As a result of this ____________, the Caliph started to build _____________ instead of ________________ them.  [Churches, miracle, destroying]

6.  This miracle proves the
        a) Power of prayers
        b) Great intercession of the Theotokos
        c) Holiness of Churches
        d) Protection which God provides for His people
        e) All the above

7.  What do you usually do when you are in trouble?

Submit my answers (see guidlines)

Index of Exercises