Feasts of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Verse to Memorize

Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I will say, rejoice!
Philippians 4:4


The Seven Major Feasts


Coptic Calendar

Gregorian Calendar

1.  The Annunciation

Baramhat 29

April 7

2.  The Nativity of Christ

Kiahk 29

January 7

3.  The Epiphany of Christ

Tobah 11

January 19

4.  Palm Sunday

Sunday before Easter


5.  Easter



6.  The Ascension

40 days after Easter


7.  Pentecost

50 days after Easter



 The Seven Minor Feasts


Coptic Calendar

Gregorian Calendar

1.  The Circumcision of Our Lord

Tobah 6

January 14

2.  The Entrance of Our Lord into the Temple

Amshir 8

February 15

3.  The Escape of the Holy Family to Egypt

Bashans 24

June 1

4.  The First Miracle of Our Lord at Cana of Galilee

Tobah 13

January 12

5.  The Transfiguration

Misra 13

August 19

6.  Covenant Thursday

Thursday of Holy Week


7.  Thomas' Sunday

Sunday after Easter