
Sunday School Lesson Schedule




Church Event

September 2nd Week

Who Are the Saints?

Coptic New Year

September 3rd Week

Finding  the Cross


September 4th Week

Jesus Helps the Fishermen

Feast of the Cross

October 1st Week

The Creation


October 2nd Week

Noah's Ark


October 3rd Week

The Lord Visits Abraham


October 4th Week

Jacob's Dream


November 1st Week

Elijah and the Widow


November 2nd Week

Nice Woman Builds a Room for Elisha


November 3rd Week

Jesus Calms the Storm


November 4th Week

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

Nativity Fast

December 1st Week

St. Mary and Archangel Gabriel


December 2nd Week

The Birth of John the Baptist

Virgin’s Temple Entry

December 3rd Week

Baby Jesus in the Manger


December 4th Week

Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus


January 1st Week

The Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

Nativity Feast

January 2nd Week

Jesus Obeys His Parents

Circumcision Feast

January 3rd Week

Jesus is Baptized

Epiphany Feast

January 4th Week

Jesus Invited to a Wedding

Miracle in Cana

Week before Jonah's Fast

A Donkey that Speaks

Jonah's Fast

Week after Jonah's Fast

Jonah and the Whale


Great Lent Week 0

The Woman with the Two Coins

Pre-Lent Sunday

Great Lent Week 1

God Cares for Us More

Sunday of the Kingdom of God

Great Lent Week 2

The Lost Sheep

Temptation Sunday

Great Lent Week 3

The Paralytic at the Pool

Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Great Lent Week 4

The Man Born Blind

Samaritan Sunday

Great Lent Week 5

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Sunday of the Paralytic

Great Lent Week 6

The Last Supper

Baptismal Sunday

Palm Sunday

No Lesson Scheduled

Palm Sunday

Easter Sunday

No Lesson Scheduled

Easter Sunday

Pentecost Week 1

Jesus Christ is Risen!

Thomas Sunday

Pentecost Week 2

Jesus Appears to His Friends


Pentecost Week 3

Fish for Breakfast


Pentecost Week 4

Jesus Loves the Children


Pentecost Week 5

Jesus Visits Mary and Martha

Ascension Feast

Pentecost Week 6

Jesus Goes Up to Heaven


Pentecost Week 7

The Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day

Pentecost Feast

July 2nd Week

The First Miracle by St. Peter


July 3rd Week

Hannah's Prayer

Apostles' Feast

July 4th Week

God Calls Sleepy Samuel


August 1st Week

Four Friends Help a Paralytic

St. Mary's Fast

August 2nd Week

Daniel in the Lions' Den


August 3rd Week

Saint Mary the Beautiful Dove

Transfiguration Feast

August 4th Week

Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus

Assumption Feast

September 1st Week

Jesus Heals Woman with a Bent Back


Filler Lesson 1

Jesus Meets Zacchaeus


Filler Lesson 2

The Angels in Heaven


Filler Lesson 3

Bread and Fish Miracle


Filler Lesson 4

Bread from Heaven; Water from a Rock


Filler Lesson 5

David the Shepherd Boy


Filler Lesson 6

The Twelve Special Friends


Filler Lesson 7

Saint Pishoy



Memorization Assignments for Preschool: Making the sign of the Cross

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