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Lot is Saved
Read: Genesis 19

Verse to memorize:

Escape for your life

Genesis 19:17

1.  How is Lot related to father Abraham?  Lot is

  a) His son-in-law

    b) His brother’s son

  c) His brother

   d) His cousin

  e) His uncle


2.  How did Lot get to meet the two angles?
      a) They came directly to his home.
      b) He had a vision about their arrival.
      c) They planned to stay at his home.
      d) Lot was hospitable to strangers.

3.  The ____________ told ____________ and his ____________ to escape for their _____________ and not look ______________, lest they by  _________________. [back, family, destroyed, Angels, lives, Lot]

4.  How many persons were found righteous in Sodom and Gomorra? 

      a) 1          b) 2          c) 4          d) 6          e) 10

5.  List the persons in Lot’s family who were not saved:

             1. _________________________
             2. _________________________
             3. _________________________

6.  How did Lot find God’s place for him and his family?  (see verses 17 - 22)

7.  What caused God to judge and punish the cities of Sodom and Gomorra?  (see verses 4 - 11 & 13)