Verse to memorize:
Nor thieves, nor
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners
will inherit the Kingdom of God. |
1. Elisha's servant was __________________ and he loved ___________.
2. The love of money made _______________ die as a leper.
3. Naaman the Syrian was cured of _______________ when he washed ________ times in the Jordan.
4. Kids who refuse to share with their brothers and sisters are
Smart b) Loving c)
Greedy d) Selfish e)
5. Gehazi's greed caused him to
Lie to Naaman
b) Lie to Elisha
Be unloving to the two young men
All the above
6. Since we receive from God ____________, we must also ___________ freely.
7. What made Naaman believe on the Lord?
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