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Do Not Be Greedy
Read: II Kings chapter 5

Verse to memorize:

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God.
I Corinthians 6:10

1. Elisha's servant was __________________ and he loved ___________.  

2. The love of money made _______________ die as a leper.

3. Naaman the Syrian was cured of _______________ when he washed ________ times in the Jordan.

4.  Kids who refuse to share with their brothers and sisters are
        a) Smart        b) Loving        c) Greedy        d) Selfish        e) c&d

5.  Gehazi's greed caused him to
        a) Lie to Naaman
        b) Lie to Elisha
        c) Be unloving to the two young men
        d) All the above

6.  Since we receive from God ____________, we must also ___________ freely.

7.  What made Naaman believe on the Lord?







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