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Elijah and the Widow's Son

Read: I Kings chapter 17:8-24

Verse to memorize:
Ask, and it will be given you; seek and you will find.
Luke 11:9

1.  Where did the widow live?  (City and Country)

2.  Which of the following describes the widow?
       a) Obedient
       b) Proud
       c) Faithless
       d) Generous
       e) Poor

3.  "The ________ of ___________ shall not be used up, nor shall the _______ of __________ run dry, until the day the ___________ sends __________ on the earth."

4.  How do we give alms? (Fill in the missing letters)

a) With  __ov__ c) C__ee__fu__ly 
b) In  sec__e__ d) W__l__in__ly

5.  Connect the following phrases about the blessings of giving:
          It will ...

bring us into the peace & joy
save us from blessings
give us internal Kingdom of God
provide us with many earthly evil

6.  List two miracles that Elijah did to the widow by the power of God:



7.  _______ blessed the ____________ with miracles because she was _____________ to the __________ of God and had ____________ in Him. [obedient, widow, faith, God, word]