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The Offering of Isaac
Read: Genesis 22

Verse to memorize:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.
Luke 10:27

1.  How did Abraham respond to God’s test?
          a) He argued and complained
          b) He was hesitant to obey at first
          c) He obeyed immediately
          d) He asked God questions
          e) He ignored God’s directions

2.  Which verse shows that Abraham rose early to obey God's word?
         a) 3        b) 4        c) 8        d) 11        e)14

3.  What did Abraham end up offering instead of his son?
        a) His donkey        b) A ram        c) A dove        d) Incense        e) Nothing

4.  By passing the temptation, Abraham proved that he loved __________ more than _______________ else.

Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets:
5.  __________ does not ____________ us beyond our ______________.  [test, capabilities, God]

6.  The Lord said to ______________, "Blessing I will bless you, and _______________ I will multiply your descendants as the _____________ of the heaven and the ____________ which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their ______________.  In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be _______________, because you have _____________ My voice."

7.  Match the similarities between Isaac’s sacrifice and Christ’s crucifixion:

  Isaac was Abraham’s only son Christ rose after 3 days
  Isaac obeyed Abraham Jesus carried the cross
  Isaac carried the wood of the offering Jesus is God’s Only Son
  Moriah was the place of sacrifice Christ rose from the dead
  It took 3 days to get to the place of sacrifice Jesus obeyed His Father
  Isaac came back alive Christ was crucified in Golgotha


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