Romans 8:26
2. The Jews that came to Jerusalem from many nations heard the
disciples speak in many languages. About how many languages did they
a) 10
b) 13 c) 15
d) 20
3. What were the disciples speaking of?
a) The traditions of Jews
in other countries
b) The mighty works of God
c) The meaning of Pentecost
d) The wickedness of the
high priests
4. Who prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
a) Moses
b) Malachi c) Jeremiah
d) Joel
5. How many converts were added to the Church after Peter's sermon? ________
6. "All who _________________ were together and had all things in _______________, and _______________ their possessions and goods, and ______________ them among all, as anyone had _______________."
7. What was Peter's answer to those who eagerly sought salvation?
(Write down the verse)
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