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Jesus Comes To Zacchaeus' House

Read: Luke 19:1-10

Verse to memorize:
Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.
Luke 19:8
1.  Who was Zacchaeus? ______
          a) a chief tax collector b) a fisherman
          c) a tax collector d) a carpenter

2.  Jesus is God Who knows everything about us, just as he knew where Zacchaeus was and what his name was.  Which verse proves this? ____
            a) 1        b) 3        c) 5        d) 8

3.  In this section, our Lord refers to Himself as the ____
           a) Son of Abraham b) Son ofMan 
           c) Son of God d) Son of Mary

4.  Our Lord's mission is mentioned in which verse? ____
            a) 2        b) 4        c) 6        d) 10

5.  Use the clues to unscramble the words.  Then write the braced letters in order in the spaces at the bottom to learn God's commandment from Exodus 20:15.

Verse 4:  A short man climbed this tree   MYOSRCEA -- fig  __{   }__ __ __{   }__ __
Verse 2:  This man wanted to see Jesus  SCAAZECHU __ __ __ __ __ __ __ {   }{   }
Verse 8:  Zacchaeus was sorry he had done this   DEECATH __{   }__{   }__ __ __
Verse 2:  He was wealthy becuase of his job
              ATX ELCORTOLC  __ __ __   __ __{   }{   }__ __ __ __ __
Verse 5:  What Jesus told Zacchaeus to do   MOEC WODN  __ __ __ __   __ __ __{   }
Verse 8:  He promised to pay back this much   UROF SMEIT  __{   }__ __   {   }__ __ __ __
Verse 5:  Jesus wanted to __________ at Zacchaeus' house   YTAS  {   }{   }__ __
Verse 1:  Jesus entered this city   CROHIEJ  __{   }__ __ __ __ __
Verse 9:  Zacchaeus received this   NAITVOASL  __{   }{   }__ __ __ __ __ __

            __ __ __   __ __ __ __ __   __ __ __   __ __ __ __ __

6.  What did Zacchaeus do before he received salvation?