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Jesus Calms The Storm

Read: Matthew 8:23-27

Jesus commanding the storm to be still - by William HoleW Verse to memorize:

Why are you fearful, O you of little faith.

Matthew 8:26

1.  What happened during the trip? ____

a) The disciples started fishing.
b) A strong storm came up.
c) Some disciples slept.
d) Jesus walked on water.
e) All the above

2.  Which verse shows the power of our Lord Jesus Christ over nature? ____

a) 20        b) 23        c) 25        d) 26

3.  Why did our Lord blame his disciples? ____

a) He wanted to sleep longer.
b) They were sailing slowly.
c) They didn't prepare for the storm.
d) They had a little faith.
e) They depended on Him.

4.  The ______________ in this story represents the tribulations that happen in our lives.

5.  Who is able to calm the storms in our lives?  _________________

6.  _________________ said a word and the _________ and sea obeyed; this proves His ___________ [IVIYTNID].

7.  What should we do when we get in difficulty?