first                            last                             .

Christ is Risen
Read: John 20

Verse to Memorize:
The Lord has risen indeed.
Luke 24:34

1.  The verse that gives a blessing to those who believe without seeing is:
      a) 26      b) 24      c) 25      d) 27      e) 29

2.  Our Lord comes and gives peace when the doors are closed.  Which verse shows this fact?
      a) 24      b) 25      c) 26      d) 27      e)28

3.  Who was the disciple that was absent?
      a) Peter      b) John      c) Jacob      d) Thomas

4.  How many times did the Lord Jesus say, "Peace be unto you" to his disciples?
       a) 1      b) 2        c) 3        d) 4

5.  What did Thomas say after he touched the Lord's hands and side?

6.  After _________ days, _________ appeared to His ______________ ,and ___________ was with them. [Jesus, Thomas, eight, disciples]

7.  Which Church Sacrament fulfills verse #23?
       a) Communion
       b) Baptism
       c) Confession
       d) Unction of the Sick

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Index of Exercises