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The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
Read: Luke 18:9-14

Verse to memorize:
God be merciful to me a sinner! 
Luke 18:13

1. Verse 9 mentions that God said this parable for those who
            a) were rich
            b) trusted in themselves
            c) did not pray
            d) despised others
            e) b & d

2.  All the following describes how the Publican prayed, except:
            a) Standing afar off
            b) Looking down at the ground
            c) Complaining about others
            d) Beating his breast
            e) Asking for mercy

3.  Unlike the Publican, the Pharisee lacked
            a) Pride       b) Tithing        c) Money        d) Humility        e) Fasting

4.  Place a "P" next to the phrase describing the Pharisee and a "T" next to that describing the Tax Collector:
            a) Gave thanks to God [     ]
            b) Came to God confessing his sins [     ]
            c) Considered himself holier than others [     ]
            d) Obtained the remission of his sins [     ]
            e) Counted his merits of fasting and tithing [     ]
            f)  Denied himself to be a sinner [     ]
            g) Did not pray for others but despised them [     ]
            h) Had a sense of unworthiness to stand before God [     ]

5.  "Everyone who ____________ himself will be humbled, and he who ____________ himself will be exalted."

6.  "J____________ not, and you shall not be J___________.  C_______________ not, and you shall not be C________________.  F_______________, and you will be f_______________."  [Luke 6:37]

7.  Write down the Jesus Prayer below:

Submit my answers (see guidlines)

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