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Jesus Heals A Paralytic

Read: Mark 2:1-12

W Verse to memorize:

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you."
Mark 2:5

1.  Where did Jesus heal the paralytic?
            a) Bethlehem
            b) Capernaum
            c) Jerusalem
            d) Cana of Galilee

2.  Why did the crowd gather around the house?
            a) to hear Jesus
            b) to see a miracle
            c) to pray
            d) to eat dinner
            e) to celebrate

3.  Who carried the bed?
           a) the crowd
           b) Jesus
           c) the sick man
           d) the 4 friends
           e) c & d

4.  The man was healed because of his friends' faith; this is an example of _________________ [NTERNICOSISE].

5.  What was the source of the man's sickness? ___________________

6.  The _______________ accused Jesus of _____________ing[LSBAHPME] because He ______________ the sins of  the _____________________.

7.  What is required for miracles to happen in our lives?

Submit my answers (see guidlines)