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The Lord's Supper
Read: Mark 14:12-26

Verse to memorize:
"For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes."  
I Corinthians 11:26

1. Who did the Lord sent to prepare the Passover?
        a) Philip & Thomas
        b) Mark & Andrew
        c) Peter & John
        d) Peter & Paul

2.  Jesus Christ talked about one of His disciples who would betray him.  He was _________
        a) Peter        b) John        c) Judas        d) Mark        e) None of the above

3.  During the Holy Communion, what we eat is the Lord's Body and what we drink is the Lord's Blood.  Which verses show this fact?
        a) 25 & 26        b) 22 - 24        c) 23 & 24        d) 12 & 13

4.  Before receiving Holy Communion, we should __________
        a) Pray, asking for God's forgiveness
        b) Confess our sins
        c) Go to the priest
        d) All the above

5.  Which verses show God's Omnipresence in this section?  (Omnipresence = present everywhere at the same time)
        a) 21 & 22        b) 13 - 16        c) 25 & 26        d) None

6.  Which verses show God's Omniscience?
        a) 18 - 20        b) 12 & 13        c) 22 & 23

7.  Jesus Christ gives us His Body and Blood for our ______________________.

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Index of Exercises