W Verse to memorize:
Luke 18:1
1. In the Lord's Prayer, we pary to God as our ______
a) Master b)
c) Father
d) Friend
2. Make complete sentences:
a) The first prayer in the Lord's Prayer concerns | ( ) God's will |
b) The second prayer in the Lord's Prayer concerns | ( ) God's name |
c) The third prayer in the Lord's Prayer concerns | ( ) God's kingdom |
3. Verse ______ shows a conditional prayer in the Lord's Prayer.
a) 9
b) 10
c) 11 d) 12
4. There is no king that reigns forever besides God. This
fact is shown in verse ______.
a) 9
b) 10
c) 13
5. "___________ and it will be given to you; ___________, and you will find; __________, and it will be opened to you." [Matthew 7:7-11]
6. "And ____________ things you ask in prayer, _____________,
you will ____________." [Matthew 21:18-22]
7. List 3 important reasons for praying daily: