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Lazarus Raised From Death

Read: John 11:1-45
W Verse to memorize:
I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.
John 11:25
1.  This miracle shows that Jesus ______
            a) is Almighty and Powerful
            b) creates life and gives it back
            c) cares for all our needs
            d) wants to do extraordinary things for us
            e) All the above

2.  Our Lord started His prayer at the tomb with ______
            a) a Psalm        b) a Hymn        c) Thanksgiving        d) Repentance        e) a request

3.  Jesus waited three days after Lazarus' death before visiting because ______
            a) He didn't care about Lazarus.
            b) He had something more important to do.
            c) He couldn't walk such a long distance.
            d) He wanted to do something extraordinary.
            e) He wanted the family to experience grief.

4.  Jesus wept at the tomb because ______
            a) He was a human.
            b) He was bringing Lazarus back to earth.
            c) the family He loved was in great pain.
            d) of the pain brought on humanity through sin.
            e) All the above

5.  From this Gospel section, name the three family members whom Jesus loved:

6.  Jesus Christ is the __________________ and the life.  He who believes in Him, even though he may die, he will ___________.

7.  Why didn't Jesus roll back the stone from the tomb instead of telling the people to do that?

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