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The Good Samaritan

Read: Luke 10:25-37
W Verse to memorize:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Mark 12:31

1.  I can be a good neighbor if I am:  (Circle all correct answers)
        a) Angry        b) Loving        c) Kind        d) Selfish        e) Bold

2.  I can be a good neighbor to: (Circle all correct answers)
        a) A stranger        b) An Arab        c) My friends        d) A citizen
        e) A lady              f) A boy

3.  How many questions were asked in this Gospel section?
        a) 1        b) 2        c) 3        d) 4        e)5

4.  The parable of the Good Samaritan was an answer to what question?
        a) What shall I do to inherit eternal life?
        b) What is written in the law?
        c) Who is my neighbor?
        d) What is the greatest Commandment?

5.  What should you learn from this parable?
        a) To be humble
        b) To be merciful
        c) To be obedient
        d) To be content

6.  The city that is not mentioned in this section is
        a) Sychar        b) Jerusalem        c) Jericho

7.  Make complete sentences using the letters in group A in group B:

(a) The inn refers to (   ) our Lord Jesus Christ
(b) The host refers to (   ) the Church
(c) The Good Samaritan refers to (   ) the Bishop
(d) Thieves refer to (   ) devils


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