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Christ Washes His Disciples' Feet
Read: John 13

Verse to memorize:
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you."
John 13:34

1.  On ______________ (day) of Pascha week, the priest imitates Jesus Christ by washing the __________ of the men.

2.  Which verse sums up what we must learn from this event?
        a) 7       b) 10        c) 14       d)21        e) 26

3.  Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "For I have given you an ______________, that you should ______ as I have done to __________."

4.  Rearrange the words of the verse:

            another - a - one - new - love - commandment - you - I - that - you - give.

5.  How will the people know that we are the Lord's disciples?
        a) If we put up signs, saying that
        b) If we love one another
        c) If we carry a Bible at all times
        d) If we wear crosses
        e) If we preach others often

6.  Jesus gave a new commandment to the disciples; what was it?

7.  What are the deeds that you can perform to make all the members of your family happy?


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Index of Exercises