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Feeding The Multitude

Read: John 6:1-14

Memory Verse:

 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.
Proverbs 10:22

1.  The people sat down in groups of _______

 a) 5          b) 50          c) 5000         d) 2
2.  What should we learn from this miracle?
 a) To sit in groups
 b) To have enough food when we go out
 c) To pray before we eat
 d) To eat enough fish & bread

3.  The twelve disciples picked up ______ baskets of leftover food after everyone ate.

 a) 2          b) 5          c) 12          d) 50
4.  Jesus Christ said, "____________ the fragments that remain, so that nothing is _________."

5.  Jesus Christ was testing the faith of

 a) Philip         b) John         c) Peter         d) The people
6.  This miracle shows that Jesus Christ has power to create ____________.

7.  What should we learn from the boy who gave away his lunch?

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