Prayer before Meals
art You, O Lord Who supported us
from our youth and granted us Your blessings, and prepared food for
creature; for the eyes of all await You, You Who gave them their food
in due
season. You open Your hands and fill all
living things. To You are due glory,
praise, blessing and thanksgiving for the food that You have prepared
Stretch forth Your right hand and
bless this
food set before us for the nourishment of our bodies.
Let it be for the power and health of our
lives. Grant salvation, grace, blessing
and purity to all those who partake thereof.
Lift our minds to You at all times to seek our spiritual and
food. Grant that we may labor for the
everlasting food which is for life eternal.
Grant us to be partakers of Your evening banquet.
Grant us the food of blessing, the cup of
salvation, and fill our hearts with joy.
Grant us a peaceful life, joy of the soul and health of the body. Teach us to seek Your pleasure in all things
so that when eating, drinking or laboring, we do it all for the glory
of Your
Holy Name.
For Yours is the glory for ever
ever. Amen.