Bible Reference:
Luke 12: 16 - 21
Golden Verse :
"Seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall
be added to you." Luke 12:31
Lesson Aim:
Better appreciation of the kingdom of God; understand that the important
thing is our life cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents (the
net worth)
Distinguish between the luxuries and necessities of life
Pursue heavenly inheritance, not worldly wealth
Lesson Notes:
The rich man was a fool because he was covetous (greedy).
He forgot about the poor, the widows and the needy.
He depended on his riches and on hoarding worldly wealth instead of seeking
the kingdom of God.
Being greedy also hurts others; greed drives men to seek other people's
Worrying about the wealth and the abundance
Contrast the rich man with the examples of the ravens and lilies (verses
22-31) to show the children that God provides and that we should trust
in Him.
Finally, contrast between the treasures in heaven and those on earth.
Choose one thing that you like most and learn not to seek it
or hoard it.