Jesus Heals A Paralytic
Bible Reference: Mark 2:1-12
Golden Verse :
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are
forgiven you." Mark 2:5
Lesson Aim:
God takes care of us when we get sick.
God forgives our sins.
We need faith to benefit from God's miracles.
Lesson Notes:
Why did the crowd gather around Jesus?
Most came because they loved God and wanted to hear His words.
Some came out of curiosity.
The scribes came to criticize Him.
The four friends
They represent the whole Church (Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Laymen).
They love their sick friend and went through a lot of troubled for him.
They believed in Jesus Christ.
They had strong faith capable of conquering all difficulties.
The healing of the paralytic
The source of his sickness was cured first; his sins were forgiven.
He was healed because of his friends' faith -- Intercession
He was given the energy to carry his own bed.
The results of the miracle
The forgiveness of the man's sins
The healing of the paralytic
A blessing for the four friends
The crowds believed in God
The scribes denied God and His power
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