Liturgy Replies for the Feast of Theophany

The Intercessions

1.   Hiten ni`precbia `nte ];e`otokoc e;ouab Maria@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

1.     Through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos Mary, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

2.   Hiten ni`precbia `nte pisasf `nar,yaggeloc nem nitagma `n`epouranion@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

2.     Through the intercessions of the seven Archangels and the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

3.   Hiten ni`precbia `nte picuggenyc `nEmmanoyl Iwanyc `psyri `nZa,ariac@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

3.     Through the intercessions of the relative of Immanuel, John the son of Zacharias, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

4.   Hiten nieu,y `nte na[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

4.     Through the prayers of my masters and fathers, the apostles, and the rest of the disciples, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Continue singing the rest of the verses as usual (page 183 in the Liturgy book)  . . .

Praxis (Acts) Reply

Je vai pe pasyri pamenrit@ `eta ta'u,y ]ma] `nqytf@ aferpaouws cwtem `ncwf@ je `n;of pe pireftanqo.

This is My Son, My Beloved in Whom My Soul delights; He does My will.  Hear Him for He is the life giver.

Before the Hymn of the Trisagion

Ouran `nsousou pe pekran@ `w picuggenyc `nEmmanouyl@ `n;ok ounis] qen nye;ouab tyrou@ Iwannyc piref]wmc.

A name of pride is your name, O relative of Immanuel.  You (are) great in all the Saints, John the Baptist.

`K[oci `enipatriar,yc `ktaiyout `eni`provytyc je `mpeouon twnf qen nijinmici `nte nihiomi ef`oni `mmok.

You (are) exalted above the patriarchs; you (are) honored more than the prophets.  For no one among those born of women is like you.

Amwini cwtem `epicovoc@ pilac `nnoub :e`odocioc@ efjw `m`ptaio `mpibaptictyc Iwannyc piref]wmc.

Come, listen to the wise, the golden tongued Theodosious, speaking of the honor of the forerunner, John the Baptist.

Hymn of the Trisagion

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o Iordanou baptictyc `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was baptized in the Jordan, have mercy upon us.

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o Iordanou baptictyc `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was baptized in the Jordan, have mercy upon us.

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o Iordanou baptictyc `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was baptized in the Jordan, have mercy upon us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke `agiw `Pneumati@ kenin ke `a`i ke ic touc `e`wnac twn `e`wnwn amyn. Agia Triac `ele`ycon `ymac.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and always, and unto the ages of ages, Amen.  O Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us.

Psalm Reply

Allylouia allylouia@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `m`Vnou]@ af[iwmc qen piIordanyc@ allylouia allylouia.

Alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God was baptized in the Jordan, alleluia alleluia.

Matins' Gospel Reply

Allylouia =a=l =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `mVnou]@ af[iwmc qen piIordayc.

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God was baptized in the Jordan.

Vai `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.

This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father and The Holy Spirit now and forever.

Liturgy Gospel Reply

Vai pe pihiyb `nte `Vnou]@ vyet`wli `m`vnobi `mpikocmoc@ vy`etafini `noutap `ncw]@ e;refnohem `mpeflaoc.

This is the Lamb of God Who carries the sin of the world, Who brought a horn of salvation to save His people.

Allylouia =a=l =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `mVnou]@ af[iwmc qen piIordayc.

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God was baptized in the Jordan.

Vai `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.

This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father and The Holy Spirit now and forever.