Liturgy Replies in the Presence of the Patriarch and Bishops

Before the Absolution of Ministers

Nicabeu tyrou `nte PiIcrayl nyeterhwb `enikap `nnoub ma;amio `nou`s;yn `nA`arwn@ kata `patio `n]metouyb@ `mpeniwt ettaiyout `nar,y`ereuc papa abba ... @ nem peniwt `n`epickopoc abba ... @ (nem nenio] `n`epickopoc nyet,y neman)@ nimenra] `nte Pi`,rictoc

All (you) wise men of Israel who work the threads of gold, make an Aaronic tunic befitting the priestly honor of our honored father, the high priest Papa Abba . . . and our father the Bishop Abba . . . (and our fathers the Bishops who (are) present with us), the beloved of Christ.

After the Reading of the Pauline Epistle

Pi`hmot gar `mPen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ ef`eswpi nem pek`agion ``pneuma@ pa[oic `niwt ettaiyot `nar,y`ereuc papa abba (.....)@ nem peniwt `nepickopoc abba (.....)@ (nem nenio] `nepickopoc nyet,y neman)@

Mare pi`klyroc nem pilaoc tyrf@ oujai qen P[oic@ je `amyn ec`eswpi.

For the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ will (surely) be with your holy [pure] spirit, my lord honored father Archpriest Papa Abba ( . . . ), and our father the Bishop Abba ( . . . ),
(and our fathers the Bishops who are present with us).
Let the clergy and all the people be safe in the Lord; amen, it will (surely) happen.

Said by the Deacon After the Gospel's Psalm

Marou[acf qen `tek`klycia `nte peflaoc@ ouoh marou`cmou `erof hi`tka;edra `nte ni`precbuteroc@ je af,w `noumetiwt `m`vry] `nhan`ecwou@ eu`enau `nje nyetcotwn ouoh eu`eounof.

Let them exalt him in the Church of his people, and let them bless him in the assembly of the elders.  For he makes His families like flock; the righteous see (it) and rejoice.

Afwrk `nje P[oic ouoh `nnefouwm `n`h;yf@ je `n;ok pe `vouyb sa `eneh kata `ttaxic `mMel,icedek.

The Lord swore and is not repenting, "You are the priest forever according to the order of Melchisedec."

`P[oic caouinam `mmok peniwt e;ouab `mpatriar,yc papa abba (.....) nem peniwt `nepickopoc abba (.....).

The Lord is at your right hand, our father, saintly Patriarch Papa Abba (. . .), and our father the Bishop Abba (. . .).

`P[oic ef`e`areh `etenwnq. Allylouia.

The Lord preserves you lives.  Alleluia. 

Conclusion of the Prayer

Ak[i `t,aric `mMw`ucyc@ ]metouyb `nte Mel,icedek@ ]metqello `nte Iakwb@ pinoj `n`ahi `nte Ma;oucala@ pika] etcwtp `nte dauid@ ]covia `nte Colomwn@ Pi`pneuma `mparaklyton vy`etaf`i `ejen ni`apoctoloc.

You received the grace of Moses, the priesthood of Melchisedec, the seniority of Jacob, the long life of Mathoesala, the unique understanding of David, the wisdom of Solomon, (and) the Spirit of Paraclete Which came upon the Apostles.

P[oic `ef`e`areh `e`pwnq nem `ptaho `eratf `mpeniwt ettaiyout `nar,y`ereuc papa abba (.....) nem peniwt `nepickopoc abba (.....) (nem nenio] `nepickopoc nyet,y neman).

The Lord preserves the life and the stand of our father, the honored Arch priest Papa Abba (. . .), and our father the Bishop Abba (. . .), [and our fathers the Bishops who are present with us].

Vnou] `nte `tve ef`etajroou hijen nou`;ronoc@ `nhanmys `nrompi nem hancyou `nhirynikon. `Ntef;ebio `nnoujaji tyrou capecyt `nnou[alauj `n,wlem.

The God of heaven strengthens your thrones (for) many years and peaceful times and humiliate all your enemies under your feet quickly.

Twbh `ePi`,rictoc `e`hryi `ejwn@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol qen ouhiryny kata pefnis] `nnai.

Entreat Christ on our behalf to forgive our sins in peace, according to His great mercy.

Kurie `ele`ycon kurie `ele`ycon@ kurie eulogycon `amyn. `Cmou `eroi `cmou `eroi@ ic ]metanoia@ ,w nyi `ebol jw `mpi`cmou.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.  Lord bless, amen.  Bless me, bless me.  Lo, the metanoia.  Forgive me.  Say the blessing.