Tote rwn afmoh `nrasi@
ouoh penlac qen ouyelyl@ je Pen[oic Iycouc
Pi``,rictoc@ aumacf qen By;leem. |
Our mouth is filled with
joy: And our tongue with rejoicing: For our Lord, Jesus Christ: Was
born in
Bethlehem. |
<ere ]baki `mPennou]@
`tpolic `nte nyetonq@ `vma`nswpi `nnidikeoc@ `ete ;ai te Ieroucalym. |
Hail to you, O city of our
Lord: The Land of the living: The home of the righteous: Which is Jerusalem. |
ne `w By;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@
nyetauer`provyteuin@ e;be
`pjinmici `nEmmanouyl. |
Hail to you, O
Bethlehem: The city of the prophets: Who have prophesied of: The birth
of Emmanuel. |
A piouwini `nta`vmyi@ afsai nan hwn
`mvoou@ qen ]par;enoc
Mariam@ ]selet `nka;aroc. |
The true Light: Has shone upon us today: From the Virgin Mary: The pure
bride. |
Mari`a acmici `mPencwtyr@ pimairwmi `n`agayoc@ qen By;leem
`nte }iodea@ kata ni`cmy `nte ni`provytyc. |
Mary gave birth to our
Savior: The Philanthropic One: In Bethlehem Judea: According to the
saying of the prophets. |
Yca`yac pi`provytyc@ ws `ebol qen ou`cmy
`n;elyl@ je ec`emici `nEmmanouyl@ Pencwtyr `n`agayoc. |
Isaiah the prophet: Shouts
with rejoice saying: She is giving birth to Emmanuel: Our good
Ic nivyoui eu`eounof@ nem `pkahi ;elyl@ je acmici
nan `nEmmanouyl@ `anon qa ni`,rictianoc. |
The heavens
rejoice: Along with the earth: For she bore to us Emmanuel: We the
E;be vai tenoi `nrama`o@ qen ni`aga;on etjyk `ebol@ qen ounah] tener'alin@ enjw
`mmoc je allylouia. |
Therefor we are rich: In all perfect gifts: And in
faith let us sing: Saying, Alleluia. |
=a=l@ =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `mVnou]@ aumacf qen By;leem. |
Alleluia, Alleluia:
Alleluia, Alleluia: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: Was born in
10. Vai `ere pi`wou
er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`agayoc@
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@
icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh. |
This is He Whom the glory
is due: With His good Father: And the Holy Spirit: Now and forever.
1. Hiten ni`precbia
`nte ];e`otokoc e;ouab Maria@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol
`nte nennobi. |
Through the intercessions
of the holy Theotokos Mary, O Lord grant us the
forgiveness of our sins. |
2. Hiten ni`precbia
`nte pisasf `nar,yaggeloc nem nitagma `n`epouranion@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol
`nte nennobi. |
Through the intercessions
of the seven Archangels and the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant
us the forgiveness of our sins. |
3. Hiten nieu,y
`nte niqelloi `t`cmarwout Iwcyv pihamse nem ;ye;ouab Calwmi@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol
`nte nennobi. |
Through the prayers of the
blessed elders Joseph the carpenter and Saint Salomi,
O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins. |
4. Hiten nieu,y
`nte na[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc
nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol
`nte nennobi. |
Through the prayers of my
masters and fathers, the apostles, and the rest of the disciples, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins. |
Continue singing the rest of the verses as usual (page 183 in the Liturgy book) . . .
`tpolic `nni`provytyc@ ;yetaumec Pi`,rictoc `nqytc@ pimah `cnau `nAdam. |
Bethlehem, the city of prophets, in which Christ, the second Adam, was born. |
the Reading of Praxis
cymeron ton `uperoucion tikti@ ke `y gy to `cpyleon tw `aprocitw `procagi. |
Today, the Virgin gives birth to the Supernatural, and the
earth brings the manger near Him Who is Unapproachable. |
The Virginal birth and the spiritual pains of travail, a
wonder of wonders, in accordance with the prophesies |
the Hymn of the Trisagion
Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou genne;ic `ele`ycon `ymac. |
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the
Virgin, have mercy upon us. |
Our Lord Jesus Christ Who was born from the Virgin in
Bethlehem of Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies |
Proclaiming (and) saying, "Glory to God in the
Highest and peace on the earth and goodwill toward men." |
continue with the Hymn of the Trisagion . . .
Hymn of the Trisagion
Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou gene;ic `ele`ycon `ymac. |
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the
Virgin, have mercy upon us. |
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the
Virgin, have mercy upon us. |
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the
Virgin, have mercy upon us. |
Glory be to the Father and to the
Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and always, and unto the ages of ages,
Amen. O Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. |
Allylouia allylouia@
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc
`Psyri `m`Vnou] acmacf `nje ]par;enoc qen By;leem `nte ]Ioudea kata ni`cmy
`m`provyticon@ allylouia allylouia. |
Alleluia alleluia,
Jesus Christ the Son of God was born from the Virgin
in Bethlehem of Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies, alleluia alleluia. |
Gospel Reply
Je piatcarx
af[icarx@ ouoh pilogoc
af`q;ai@ piatar,y aferhytc@ piatcyou afswpi qa ou`,ronoc. |
For the Bodiless too flesh, and
the Word took form. The One without beginning made a beginning; the
Timeless became under time. |
This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father
and The Holy Spirit now and forever. |
Nativity Liturgy Psalm - Ps 2:5-6
`P[oic afjoc nyi
je `n;ok pe pasyri@ `anok ai`jvok `mvoou. |
The Lord said to me, "You are my son,
I have given birth to you today. Ask me and I
give you nations for your inheritance and your power is up to the end of the
earth." |
Nativity Liturgy Gospel Reply
Ouciou afsai qen nimansai `a nimagoc mosi `ncwf sa `ntef`enou
`eBy;leem auouwst `m`pouro `nni`ewn. |
A star shined in the East; the Magi followed it until it brought
them to Bethlehem, (and) they worshipped the King of the ages. |
This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father
and The Holy Spirit now and forever. |
Aspasmos (Greeting)
Pihiyb `mmyi `nte `Vnou] `Viwt
`ari ounai neman qen tekmetouro. |
(O) the True Lamb of God the
Father, grant us mercy in Thy Kingdom. |
For (the) mouth of Thy
Father witness for Thee, "You are my Son, I have given birth to you
today." |
(page 221
in the Liturgy book) |
Watos Aspasmos (Greeting)
Pimici `ebolqen
`Viwt@ qajwou `nni`ewn tyrou@ acmacf `nje ]ourw@ ectob
`nje tecparyenia. |
The Queen gave birth to the (One)
born from the Father before all the ages, (and) her virginity is
sealed. |
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God
was born from the Virgin in Bethlehem of
Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies. |
(page 228
in the Liturgy book) |