Liturgy Replies for Holy Nativity Feast

Doxology of the Nativity

1.     Tote rwn afmoh `nrasi@ ouoh penlac qen ouyelyl@ je Pen[oic Iycouc Pi``,rictoc@ aumacf qen By;leem.

Our mouth is filled with joy: And our tongue with rejoicing: For our Lord, Jesus Christ: Was born in Bethlehem.                

2.     <ere ]baki `mPennou]@ `tpolic `nte nyetonq@ `vma`nswpi `nnidikeoc@ `ete ;ai te Ieroucalym.

Hail to you, O city of our Lord: The Land of the living: The home of the righteous: Which is Jerusalem.   

3.     <ere ne `w By;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@ nyetauer`provyteuin@ e;be `pjinmici `nEmmanouyl.

Hail to you, O Bethlehem: The city of the prophets: Who have prophesied of: The birth of Emmanuel.

4.     A piouwini `nta`vmyi@ afsai nan hwn `mvoou@ qen ]par;enoc Mariam@ ]selet `nka;aroc.

The true Light: Has shone upon us today: From the Virgin Mary: The pure bride.

5.     Mari`a acmici `mPencwtyr@ pimairwmi `n`agayoc@ qen By;leem `nte }iodea@ kata ni`cmy `nte ni`provytyc.

Mary gave birth to our Savior: The Philanthropic One: In Bethlehem Judea: According to the saying of the prophets. 


6.     Yca`yac pi`provytyc@ ws `ebol qen ou`cmy `n;elyl@ je ec`emici `nEmmanouyl@ Pencwtyr `n`agayoc.

Isaiah the prophet: Shouts with rejoice saying: She is giving birth to Emmanuel: Our good Savior.                          


7.     Ic nivyoui eu`eounof@ nem `pkahi ;elyl@ je acmici nan `nEmmanouyl@ `anon qa ni`,rictianoc.

The heavens rejoice: Along with the earth: For she bore to us Emmanuel: We the Christians.                         


8.     E;be vai tenoi `nrama`o@ qen ni`aga;on etjyk `ebol@ qen ounah] tener'alin@ enjw `mmoc je allylouia.

Therefor we are rich: In all perfect gifts: And in faith let us sing: Saying, Alleluia.


9.     A=l =a=l@ =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `mVnou]@ aumacf qen By;leem.

Alleluia, Alleluia: Alleluia, Alleluia: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: Was born in Bethlehem.            


10.  Vai `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`agayoc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.

This is He Whom the glory is due: With His good Father: And the Holy Spirit: Now and forever.                          


The Intercessions

1.  Hiten ni`precbia `nte ];e`otokoc e;ouab Maria@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

Through the intercessions of the holy Theotokos Mary, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

2.  Hiten ni`precbia `nte pisasf `nar,yaggeloc nem nitagma `n`epouranion@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

Through the intercessions of the seven Archangels and the heavenly hosts, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

3.  Hiten nieu,y `nte niqelloi `t`cmarwout Iwcyv pihamse nem ;ye;ouab Calwmi@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

Through the prayers of the blessed elders Joseph the carpenter and Saint Salomi, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

4.  Hiten nieu,y `nte na[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc@ `P[oic `ari`hmot nan `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

Through the prayers of my masters and fathers, the apostles, and the rest of the disciples, O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Continue singing the rest of the verses as usual (page 183 in the Liturgy book)  . . .

Praxis (Acts) Reply

<ere Bye;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@ ;yetaumec Pi`,rictoc `nqytc@ pimah `cnau `nAdam.

Hail Bethlehem, the city of prophets, in which Christ, the second Adam, was born.

After the Reading of Praxis

Ypar;enoc cymeron ton `uperoucion tikti@ ke `y gy to `cpyleon tw `aprocitw `procagi.
Aggeli meta pi menwn doxologouci@ magi de meta acteroc `odiporouci@ di `ymac gar `egenny;y@ pedion neon@ `o`proew nwn :eoc.

Today, the Virgin gives birth to the Supernatural, and the earth brings the manger near Him Who is Unapproachable. 
The Angels with the shepherds give glory, and the Magi with the star travel the way.  For unto us is born a newborn Son, the God Who exists before ages.

Pijinmici `mpar;enikon ouoh ninakhi `m`pneumatikon ou`svyri `mparadoxon kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.

The Virginal birth and the spiritual pains of travail, a wonder of wonders, in accordance with the prophesies

Before the Hymn of the Trisagion

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou genne;ic `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.

Apen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc vy`etacmacf `nje ]par;enoc qen By;leem `nte ]Ioude`a kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Who was born from the Virgin in Bethlehem of Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies

Ni,eroubim nem niceravim@ niaggeloc nem niar,yaggeloc@ nictratia nem niexoucia ni`;ronoc nimet[oic nijom.

The Cherubim and the Seraphim, the Angels and the Archangels, the hosts and the authorities, the thrones, the Lordships (and) the powers

Euws `ebol eujw `mmoc@ je ou`wou `m`Vnou] qen nyet[oci@ nem ouhiryny hijen pikahi@ nem ou]ma] qen nirwmi.

Proclaiming (and) saying, "Glory to God in the Highest and peace on the earth and goodwill toward men."

continue with the Hymn of the Trisagion . . .

Hymn of the Trisagion

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou gene;ic `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou gene;ic `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc a;anatoc@ `o ekpar;enou gene;ic `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us.

Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke `agiw `Pneumati@ kenin ke `a`i ke ic touc `e`wnac twn `e`wnwn amyn. Agia Triac `ele`ycon `ymac.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and always, and unto the ages of ages, Amen.  O Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us.

Psalm Reply

Allylouia allylouia@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `m`Vnou] acmacf `nje ]par;enoc qen By;leem `nte ]Ioudea kata ni`cmy `m`provyticon@ allylouia allylouia.

Alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God was born from  the Virgin in Bethlehem of Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies, alleluia alleluia.

Matins' Gospel Reply

Je piatcarx af[icarx@ ouoh pilogoc af`q;ai@ piatar,y aferhytc@ piatcyou afswpi qa ou`,ronoc.

For the Bodiless too flesh, and the Word took form.  The One without beginning made a beginning; the Timeless became under time.

Allylouia =a=l =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `m`Vnou]@ vyetaumacf qen By;leem.

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God Who was born in Bethlehem

Vai `ere pi`wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.

This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father and The Holy Spirit now and forever.

Holy Nativity Liturgy Psalm - Ps 2:5-6

`P[oic afjoc nyi je `n;ok pe pasyri@ `anok ai`jvok `mvoou.
Ari`etin `ntot `nta] nak `nhane;noc `etek`klyronomi`a@ ouoh pek`amahi sa auryjf `m`pkahi. =a=l.

The Lord said to me, "You are my son, I have given birth to you today.  Ask me and I give you nations for your inheritance and your power is up to the end of the earth."

Holy Nativity Liturgy Gospel Reply

Ouciou afsai qen nimansai `a nimagoc mosi `ncwf sa `ntef`enou `eBy;leem auouwst `m`pouro `nni`ewn.

A star shined in the East; the Magi followed it until it brought them to Bethlehem, (and) they worshipped the King of the ages.

Allylouia =a=l =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `m`Vnou]@ vyetaumacf qen By;leem.

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God Who was born in Bethlehem

Vai `erepi`wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.

This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father and The Holy Spirit now and forever.

Adam Aspasmos (Greeting)

Pihiyb `mmyi `nte `Vnou] `Viwt `ari ounai neman qen tekmetouro.

(O) the True Lamb of God the Father, grant us mercy in Thy Kingdom.

Rwf gar `mpekiwt etoi `mme;re qarok je `n;ok pe pasyri `anok ai`jvok `mvoou.

For (the) mouth of  Thy Father witness for Thee, "You are my Son, I have given birth to you today."

Hina `ntenhwc `erok@ nem ni,eroubim. . . 

That we (may) praise you with the Cherubim . . . 

(page 221 in the Liturgy book)

Watos Aspasmos (Greeting)

Pimici `ebolqen `Viwt@ qajwou `nni`ewn tyrou@ acmacf `nje ]ourw@ ectob `nje tecparyenia.

The Queen gave birth to the (One) born from the Father before all the ages, (and) her virginity is sealed. 

A=l =a=l =a=l@ Iycouc Pi`,rictoc `Psyri `m`Vnou]@ acmacf `nje ]par;enoc@ qen By;leem `nte ]Ioudea kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Jesus Christ the Son of God was born from  the Virgin in Bethlehem of Judea, in accordance with the Prophesies.

Agioc `agioc `agioc . . .

Holy, Holy, Holy . . . 

(page 228 in the Liturgy book)