
Coptic New Year (Nairuz) Liturgy Replies

WPraxis (Acts) Reply:

Cmou `epi`,lom `nte ]rompi hiten tekmet`,ryctoc P¡@ niiarwou nem nimoumi@ nem nici] nem nikarpoc.
Bless the crown of the year through (with) Thy Goodness O Lord, the rivers, the springs, the plants, and the fruits.

WPsalm Reply:

Allyloui`a allyloui`a@ `cmou `epi`,lom `nte ]rompi@ hiten tekmet`,ryctoc P¡@ niiarwou nem nimoumi@ nem nici] nem nikarpoc@ allyloui`a allyloui`a.
Alleluia, Alleluia, bless the crown of the year through (with) Thy Goodness O Lord, the rivers, the springs, the plants, and the fruits.  Alleluia, Alleluia.

WGospel Reply:

Allyloui`a allyloui`a@ =a=l =a=l@ `cmou `epi`,lom `nte ]rompi@ hiten tekmet`,ryctoc P¡.
Alleluia, Alleluia, bless the crown of the year through (with) Thy Goodness O Lord.

Vai `ere pi``wou er`prepi naf@ nem Pefiwt `n`agayoc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ icjen ]nou nem sa `eneh.
This is He to Whom the Glory befits with His Good Father and The Holy Spirit now and forever.