
Midnight Psalmody

1.          Ten Thino - Arise O Children of Light

2.          Tennav - We look to the resurrection of Christ

3.          The First Praise - Tote avhos - Then Moses and the Children of Israel SangPsalmist

4.          Khen oushot - Truly the Sea was Divided

5.          The Second Praise - Ouwnh evol - O Give Thanks Unto the Lord

6.          Marenouwnh - Let us Give Thanks to Christ

7.          The Third Praise - Ekecmarwout - Blessed are You O Lord

8.          Hos Erof - Praise Him

9.          Arepsalin - Sing unto Him Who was Crucified

10.     Tenen - We Present to You Sacrifice and Worship

11.     Tenoueh enthok - We Follow You

12.     The Commemoration of Saints

13.     The Fourth Praise - Esmou epchoic - Praise the Lord

14.     Ainahti - I Believe

15.     Aikoti - I Beseeched You

16.     Leepon - As We Meet for Prayer

17.     Cemoti - You are Called

18.     Shere ne Maria - Hail to You O Mary

19.     Cemouti - Truly You are Called

20.     Shashf Ensop - Seven Times Everyday

21.     Teoi enhikanos - Truly You Deserve

22.     Aven piarshi - The High Priest

23.     Nim ghar - Who is Like You

24.     Neknai O panouti - Your Mercies O My God

25.     Efnouti nai nan - O God have Mercy on us


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