Ending of the Orthodox Creed
Tenjoust `ebol qa `thi `n]`anactacic `nte nirefmout@ nem piwnq `nte pi`ewn e;nyou@ amyn.
We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the coming age, amen.
Tenouwst `mmok `w Pi`,rictoc@ nem Pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ je aktwnk akcw] `mmon@ nai nan.
We worship Thee, O Christ, with Thy Good Father and the Holy Spirit for Thou arose (and) saved us; have mercy on us.
`K`cmarwout `aly;wc@ nem Pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ je aktwnk akcw] `mmon@ nai nan.
Blessed are Thou in truth with Thy Good Father and the Holy Spirit, for Thou arose (and) saved us; have mercy on us.
Je `f`cmarwout `nje `Viwt nem `Psyri@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ }`triac etjyk `ebol@ tenouwst `mmoc ten]`wou nac.
Blessed is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the complete Trinity; we worship Him and glorify Him.