Ending of Psalmody Praises
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1.`Vnou] nai nan@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

O God, have mercy on us.

2.`Vnou] cwtem `eron@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

O God, hear us.

3.`Vnou] comc `eron@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

O God, consider us.

4.`Vnou] joust `eron@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

O God, look to us.

5.`Vnou] senhyt qaron@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

O God, have pity on us.

6. Anon qa peklaoc@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

We are Thy people.

7. Anon qa pek`placma@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

We are Thy creation.

8. Nahmen `ebolqen nenjaji@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

Save us from our enemies.

9. Nahmen `ebolha ou`hbwn@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

Save us from inflation.

10. Anon qa nek`ebiaik@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

We are Thy servants.

11.`Uioc :eoc `N;ok@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

Thou art the Son of God

12. Annah] `erok@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

We believed in Thee.

13. Je aktwnk akcw] `mmon@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

For Thou arose and saved us.

14. Jempensini qen pekoujai@ =K===e =K=e  =K=e

Visit us with Thy salvation.

15. Ouoh ,a nennobi nan `ebol@ Kuri`e `ele`ycon.

And forgive us our sins.