Distribution Hymn
`Acwmen tw kuriw@ endoxwc gar dedoxac;e@ `anel;wn ic ouranoc@ `axiton paraklyton@ to `Pneuma tyc `aly;iac@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Marenhwc `e`P[oic@ je qen ou`wou gar af[i`wou@ afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ afouwrp nan `mpiparaklyton@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Let us praise the Lord for with glory He was glorified. He ascended to the heavens; He sent us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth. Amen, alleluia.
Touc du`o `kticac ic `ena@ ton ouranon ke tyn gyn@ `anel;wn ic ouranoc@ `axiton paraklyton@ to `Pneuma tyc `aly;iac@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Pentafer pi`cnau `nouai@ `ete fai pe `tve nem `pkahi@ afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ afouwrp nan `mpiparaklyton@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
He made the two into one, that is the heaven and the earth. He ascended to the heavens; He sent us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth. Amen, alleluia.
Deute pantec `ila`i@ `prockunycwmen Iycou `<rictw@ `anel;wn ic ouranoc@ `axiton paraklyton@ to `Pneuma tyc `aly;iac@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
`Amwini nilaoc tyrou@ `ntenouwst `nIycouc Pi`,rictoc@ afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ afouwrp nan `mpiparaklyton@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Come all ye nations to worship Jesus Christ. He ascended to the heavens; He sent us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth. Amen, alleluia.
Outoc ectin `o:eoc `o Cwtyr `ymwn@ ke Kurioc pacyc carkoc@ `anel;wn ic ouranoc@ `axiton paraklyton@ to `Pneuma tyc `aly;iac@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Vai pe `Vnou] pencwtyr@ ouoh `P[oic `ncarx niben@ afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ afouwrp nan `mpiparaklyton@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
This is God our Savior and the Lord of every one. He ascended to the heavens; He sent us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth. Amen, alleluia.
`Triacen mounadi@ ke mounacen `tri`adi@ `o Patyr ke `o `Uioc@ ke to `agion `Pneuma@ to `Pneuma tyc `aly;iac@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Ou`triac ecjyk `ebol@ ecoi `nsomt ecoi `nouai@ `ete fai pe `Viwt nem `Psyri@ nem Pi`pneuma E;ouab@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi@ `amyn allyloui`a. |
Trinity in One and One in Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. Amen, alleluia