Pascha Hymns

Pascha Doxology

Kurie `ele`ycon@
Lord have mercy.
:wk te ]jom nem pi`wou nem pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa `eneh `amyn@ Emmanouyl Pennou] Penouro. Thine is the power and the glory and the blessing and the majesty forever, amen, Emmanuel our God (and) our King.
:wk te ]jom nem pi`wou nem pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa `eneh `amyn@ Pa[oic Iycouc Pi,rictoc. Thine is the power and the glory and the blessing and the majesty forever, amen, my Lord Jesus Christ
Starting from the 11th. hour on Tuesday, add:  
Pacwtyr `n`aga;oc. my Good Savior.
Starting from the eve of Good Friday, add:  
tajom nem pa`cmou pe P[oic afswpi nyi eucwtyri`a efouab. My strength and my praise is the Lord, (and) He became to me Holy Salvation.
:wk te ]jom nem pi`wou nem pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa `eneh `amyn. Thine is the power and the glory and the blessing and the majesty forever, amen.
Je Peniwt et qen nivyoui . . . Our Father Who art in heaven . . .

Conclusion Hymn

Kurie `ele`ycon (12 times antiphonically) Lord have mercy (12 times antiphonically)
Pouro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan `ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@ ,a nennobi nan `ebol. King of peace, grant us Thy peace, establish to us Thy peace, (and) forgive us our sins.
Kurie `ele`ycon (6 times antiphonically) Lord have mercy (6 times antiphonically)
Jwr `ebol `nnijaji@ `nte ]ek`klyci`a@ `aricobt `eroc@ `nneckim sa `eneh. Disperse the enemies of the Church; fortify her (to be) unshaken forever.
Kurie `ele`ycon (6 times antiphonically) Lord have mercy (6 times antiphonically)
Emmanouyl Pennou]@ qen tenmy] ]nou@ qen `p`wou `nte pefiwt@ nem Pi`pneuma `e;ouab. Emmanuel our God is now in our midst with the glory of His Father and the Holy Spirit.
Kurie `ele`ycon (6 times antiphonically) Lord have mercy (6 times antiphonically)
Ntef`cmou `eron tyren@ `nteftoubo `nnenhyt@ `nteftal[o `nniswni@ `nte nen'u,y nem nencwma. May He bless us all, purify our hearts, and heal the sicknesses of our souls and our bodies.
Kurie `ele`ycon (6 times antiphonically) Lord have mercy (6 times antiphonically)
Tenouwst ``mmok `w Pi`,rictoc@ nem Pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ je auask akcw] `mmon. We worship Thee O Christ with Thy Good Father and the Holy Spirit for Thou wast crucified and saved us.