Advent and Nativity Replies
Adam Psali on the Second Canticle
Apahyt nem palac@ hwc `e]`triac@ `agi`a `triac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
My heart and my tongue praise the Trinity; O Holy Trinity have mercy on us.
Batos Psali on the Saturday Theotokia
Amwini tyrou qen ourasi@ amwini tyrou qen ou;elyl@ amwini tyrou qen ouounof@ nensyri tyrou `nte nirwmi.
Come all of you in happiness. Come all of you in joy. Come all of you in gladness, all you sons of men.
<ere Gabriyl@ pinis] `nar,yaggeloc@ ,ere vy`etafhisennoufi@ `mMaria ]par;enoc.
Hail to Gabriel, the great Archangel. Hail to him who carried the Good News to Mary the Virgin.
Praxis Reply for the Nativity
<ere Bye;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@ ;yetaumec Pi`,rictoc `nqytc@ pimah`cnau `nAdam.
Hail Bethlehem, the city of prophets, in which Christ, the second Adam, was born.
After the Reading of the Nativity's Praxis
Pijinmici `mpar;enikon ouoh ninakhi `m`pneumatikon ou`svyri `mparadoxon kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.
The Virginal birth and the spiritual pains of travail, a wonder of wonders, in accordance with the prophesies