
Advent and Nativity Replies

Adam Psali on the Second Canticle

Apahyt nem palac@ hwc `e]`triac@ `agi`a `triac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.

My heart and my tongue praise the Trinity; O Holy Trinity have mercy on us.

Batos Psali on the Saturday Theotokia

Amwini tyrou qen ourasi@ amwini tyrou qen ou;elyl@ amwini tyrou qen ouounof@ nensyri tyrou `nte nirwmi.

Come all of you in happiness. Come all of you in joy. Come all of you in gladness, all you sons of men.

Praxis (Acts) Reply for 1st. Sunday of Kiahk

<ere Gabriyl@ pinis] `nar,yaggeloc@ ,ere vy`etafhisennoufi@ `mMaria ]par;enoc.

Hail to Gabriel, the great Archangel.  Hail to him who carried the Good News to Mary the Virgin.

Praxis Reply for the Nativity

<ere Bye;leem@ `tpolic `nni`provytyc@ ;yetaumec Pi`,rictoc `nqytc@ pimah`cnau `nAdam.

Hail Bethlehem, the city of prophets, in which Christ, the second Adam, was born.

After the Reading of the Nativity's Praxis

Pijinmici `mpar;enikon ouoh ninakhi `m`pneumatikon ou`svyri `mparadoxon kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.

The Virginal birth and the spiritual pains of travail, a wonder of wonders, in accordance with the prophesies