Great Lent Replies

Replies for the Metanoias

(1) `Klinwmen ta gonata.
Let us bend our knees
Reply:Nai nan `Vnou] `Viwt pipantokratwr.
Have mercy on us, O God the Father the Pantokrator.

(2) Anactwmen `klinwmen ta gonata.
Let us stand up then bend our knees.
Reply:Nai nan `Vnou] pencwtyr.
Have mercy on us, O God our Savior.

(3) Ke anactwmen `klinwmen ta gonata.
Let us stand up again then bend our knees.
Reply:Nai nan `Vnou] ouoh nai nan.
Have mercy on us and have mercy on us.

Gospel Reply for Weekdays

}hiryny `nte `Vnou] ;yet[oci `enouc niben@ ec`e`areh `enetenhyt qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic.

The peace of God, which surpasses every mind, will surely guard your hearts with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Aiernobi aiernobi@ Pa[oic Iycouc ,w nyi `ebol je `mmon bwk `naternobi oude `mmon [oic `nat,w `ebol.

I have sinned, I have sinned, my Lord Jesus.  Forgive me, for (there is) no servant without sin nor a lord without forgiveness.

Je Peniwt etqen nivyoui@ mareftoubo `nje pekran@ marec`i `nje tekmetouro@ je vwk pe pi`wou sa ni`eneh.

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come for Thine is the Glory for ever.

Je `f`cmarwout `nje `Viwt nem `Psyri nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ ]`triac etjyk `ebol tenouwst `mmoc ten]`wou nac.

Blessed (is) the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity.  We worship Him; we glorify Him.

The Hymn of the Censer

}soury `nnoub te ]paryenoc@ pec`arwmata pe pencwtyr@ acmici `mmof afcw] `mmon@ ouoh af,a nennobi nan `ebol.

The golden censer is the Virgin; her aroma is our Saviour.  She gave birth to Him; He saved us and forgave us our sins.

Praxis (Acts) Reply for Great Lent

Aripameu`i `w Pa[oic@ `aripameu`i `w Panou]@ aripameu`i `w Paouro@ Aksan`i qen tekmetouro.

Remember me, O my Lord; remember me, O my God; remember me, O my King, when you come in Thy kingdom.