Liturgy Replies for the Sundays of Great Lent

Offertory Hymn

Allylouia@ je `vmeu`i `nourwmi ef`eouwnh nak `ebol `P[oic@ ouoh `pcwjp `nte oumeu`i ef`eersai nak@ ni;ucia ni`procvora sopou `erok@ allylouia.

Alleluia, the thought of man will confess to Thee, Lord, and the rest of thought will keep a feast to Thee.  The sacrifices (and) the offerings receive them unto Thee.  Alleluia.

Hymn Of The Censer

}soury `nnoub te ]par;enoc@ pec`arwmata pe pencwtyr@ acmici `mmof afcw] `mmon@ ouoh af,a nennobi nan `ebol.

The golden censer is the Virgin; her aroma is our Saviour.  She gave birth to Him; He saved us and forgave us our sins.

Praxis (Acts) Reply

Aripameu`i `w Pa[oic@ `aripameu`i `w Panou]@ `aripameui `w Paouro@ aksan`i qen tekmetouro.

Remember me, O my Lord; remember me, O my God; remember me, O my King, when you come in Thy kingdom.

Before the Hymn of the Trisagion

Megalou ar,i`ereuc ic touc `e`wnac a,ranton `agioc `o :eoc.

The Great High Priest unto eternity, the Pure Holy God

Agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc ic,uroc@ `agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic dimac `ele`ycon `ymac.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was crucified for us, have mercy on us.

A Pen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ ernycteuin `e`hryi `ejwn@ `n`hme `n`ehoou nem `hme `n`ejwrh@ sa `ntefcotten qen nennobi.

Our Lord Jesus Christ fasted for us  forty days and forty nights to save us from our sins.

Anon hwn maren ernycteuin@ qen outoubo nem oume;myi@ ouoh `ntener`proceu,ec;e@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc@

Let us fast in purity and righteousness and pray proclaiming (and) saying:

Aiernobi aiernobi@ Pa[oic Iycouc ,w nyi `ebol@ je `mmon bwk `naternobi oude `mmon [oic `nat,w `ebol.

I sinned, I sinned, my Lord Jesus forgive me.  For no servant is without sin and no lord without forgiveness.

Je Peniwt etqen nivyoui@ mareftoubo `nje pekran@ marec`i `nje tekmetouro@ je vwk pe pi`wou sa ni`eneh.

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come for Thine is the Glory for ever.

Ou`c;oinoufi pe Maria@ ou`c;oinoufi etqen tecneji@ ou`c;oinoufi ecmici `mmof saf,anenoubi nan `ebol.

An incense is Mary; an Incense (is) in her womb.  She gives birth to an Incense to forgive us our sins.

Marenhwc nem ni`aggeloc@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je `axia `axia `axia Maria ]par;enoc.

Let us praise with the Angels, proclaiming (and) saying, "Worthy, worthy, worthy, (is) the Virgin Mary."

Continue with the Hymn of the Trisagion . . .

Gospel Reply

Je Peniwt etqen nivyoui@ mareftoubo `nje pekran@ marec`i `nje tekmetouro@ je vwk pe pi`wou sa ni`eneh.

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come for Thine is the Glory for ever.

Je `f`cmarwout `nje Viwt nem `Psyri@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ }`triac etjyk `ebol@ tenouwst `mmoc ten]`wou nac.

Blessed (is) the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the perfect Trinity.  We worship Him; we glorify Him.

Adam Aspasmos (Greeting)

Je `,ouws `m`vmou an@ `mpirefernobi@ `m`vpy] `nteftac;of@ `ntec`wnq `nje tef'u,y.

For Thou do not wish the death of the sinner but his repentance, that his soul may live.

Matac;on Vnou]@ `eqoun `epekoujai@ `arioui neman@ kata tekmet`aga;oc.

Return us God unto Thy Salvation and do to us according to Thy Goodness.

Hina `ntenhwc `erok@ nem ni<eroubim@ nem niCeravim@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc.

In order that we praise Thee with the Cherubim and the Seraphim, proclaiming and saying:

Je `<ouab `<ouab `<ouab@ `P[oic pipantokratwr@ `tve nem `pkahi meh `ebol@ qen pek`wou nem pektaio.

Holy, Holy, Holy, O Lord the Pantocrator, heaven and earth are full of Thy Glogy and Thy Honor.

Watos Aspasmos (Greeting)

}cwoun je `n;ok ou`aga;oc@ `nrefsenhyt ouoh `nnayt@ `aripameu`i qen peknai@ sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh.

I know that Thou art righteous, compassionate, and merciful.  Remember me according to Thy mercy unto the ages of all ages. 

Allylouia =a=l =a=l@ Pi`,rictoc afernycteuin `e`hryi `ejwn@ `n`hme `n`ehoou nem `hme `n`ejwrh@ nai nan kata peknis] `nnai.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Christ fasted for us forty days and forty nights.  Have mercy on us according to Thy great mercy.

Agioc Agioc Agioc@ Kerioc cabaw;@ `plyryc `o ouranoc ke `y gy@ tyc `agiac cou doxyc.

Holy, Holy, Holy, O Lord of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thine Holy Glory.